A good cognition can indeed be very beneficial for people.
It can help a person to become better and improve their productivity. To
improve cognition, smart drugs offer that “helping hand” to people. These drugs
are increasingly used by the youth today. University students take them to
improve their studying habits, concentration and focusing abilities and to
increase their attention span. Not just university students, a lot of other
people like professional athletes, academicians etc. take these drugs as well.
Provigil is one such a smart drug that helps people to gain
an improved cognition. This smart drug is not approved for getting cognitive
enhancement. But it is increasingly used by people for the same. This smart
drug is a brand version of the generic Modafinil and is sold in the United
States as a prescription drug. To buy Provigil
online, do consult a doctor and get a prescription from him or her.
What should you know about Provigil?
The smart
drug Provigil, though, is used by people for getting improved cognitive
functions; it is an approved treatment for sleep disorders namely narcolepsy,
obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder. This smart drug
received approval as a treatment for sleep disorders in the month of December
1998. A person with sleep disorders taking the drug won’t entirely get cured of
it but his/her condition will be improved. Sleep disorders like narcolepsy
or sleep apnea lead to excessive sleepiness during the day. By taking Provigil
tablets, a person can reduce their excessive daytime sleepiness and become
active and mentally energetic during the day.
Remember that if you have no sleep disorders at all, you
must not use this medication for holding off your sleepiness. Also, note that
this smart drug is only recommended for use by adults who are 18 years or
above. No one below the age of 18 years should receive this smart pill.
When should you take Provigil?
This smart drug has an elimination half-life of 12 hours for
which taking the pills in the morning or in the early afternoon helps. If you
take the Provigil tablets in the evening or during night time, it might lead to
sleep disturbances in you.
If you have the medical condition narcolepsy or sleep apnea,
you may take the pills once a day in the morning or in the early afternoon. Do
not use them more than one time in a day. If you are working in shifts, you may
take the smart pills just about an hour before your work shift starts. This
includes the shifts during night or early mornings. The ones who are working in
rotating shifts should take the drug according to the time given by their
Note: Do provide
full information regarding your complete medical history and about the drugs
that you are taking currently to your medical consultant. This drug can be
addictive. So you must avoid sharing this smart drug with other people
especially with those who have drug addiction problem.
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